UPDATE Corona en verlopen van brevetten

18-3-2020 ILT verleent ontheffingen op expiratiedata van commerciële brevetten.

17-3-2020 via IAOPA Ontvangen:EASA Statement

"Due to the coronavirus outbreak, EASA has issued operational recommendations in Service Information Bulletin 2020-02R2 followed by a safety directive to reduce the risk of spread of the novel coronavirus through flights to and from high risk areas.


The Agency is now issuing an exemption template (attached) in accordance with Article 71(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 to support Member States in a collective and harmonised adoption of exemption measures aimed at extending the validity period of ratings, certificates and medical reports, as applicable, for flight crews, cabin crews, instructors and examiners, mechanics, air traffic controllers and aeromedical examiners. A similar template for EFTA members still using Art. 14 will be issued very soon.


The Agency is constantly monitoring the extreme disruption due to the COVID19 outbreak and is ready to issue further exemption templates if needed. This said, EASA believes that the issuance of exemptions as such may not always be needed in order to adapt to the situation. We are all facing a situation of Force Majeure, and thus we should in the outset use exemptions only towards the certificates that would elapse in the absence of proactive action. For all other activities, such as certificates’ and approvals’ oversight, all competent authorities will have to adapt their planned activities to their available means, resources and risks.


In addition, the Agency together with the Member States will start working on the return to operation and adapt the necessary measures to ensure the recovery of the aviation industry in the wake of this brutal stop of the activity.”

17-3-2020 AOPA NL is in gesprek met ILT over regeling mbt expiratie brevetten en medicals.
15-3-2020 Door de uitbraak van het corona virus worden tal van maatschappelijke activiteiten stilgelegd. In ons aandachtsgebied is het (nog) mogelijk te vliegen. Maar op bestemming zijn de horeca gelegenheden grotendeels gesloten. Ook beginnen verschillende vliegopleidingen lessen en examens stil te leggen. Dit kan betekenen dat brevetten en medicals gaan verlopen. AOPA gaat met de autoriteiten in gesprek om te bezien hoe we dit gaan oplossen (bijvoorbeeld door ontheffingen). IAOPA gaat dit onderwerp oppakken met EASA.


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